Community Action Partnership of Kern is Kern County's federally appointed poverty-fighting agency.
Community Action Partnership of Kern was founded in 1965 as part of the War on Poverty throughout Kern County's 8,200 square miles. Its programs include: 2-1-1 Kern Information & Referral; Head Start/Early Head Start; Women, Infants & Children Nutrition; CAPK Food Bank; Migrant Childcare Alternative Payment; Energy Program (including free home weatherization and emergency utility payment assistance); Volunteer Income Tax Assistance; HIV Prevention & Testing; Friendship House Community Center; Shafter Youth Center; and East Kern Family Resource Center in Mojave. The best way to contact any of our programs is by dialing 2-1-1 toll free. You may also visit, then click on "Programs."
CAPK's Mission is: "To provide and advocate for resources that will empower Kern County residents to become self-sufficient."
Its Vision is: "To improve the quality of life of low income people."
The Promise of Community Action is: "Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."
To become a partner in Community Action, you can make a donation or volunteer with CAPK. Please visit and click on "Donate" or "Volunteer."
Keywords: community, economic, kern, bakersfield, poverty, partnership, action